Scout Popcorn 2016
Scout Popcorn
Popcorn is our largest fundraiser and we continue to increase our sales annually. On average each youth sells $650 worth of product on residential routes provided, to family, friends and co-workers of parents. The 203 Sherwood Park Scout Group awards prizes to sellers who achieve certain sales goals. More details on this will be available at the Popcorn Kick Off night on Monday September 19 at Westboro School. Last year the group sold over $20,000 worth of popcorn, which provided the group with close to $9,000 in revenue.
All Scout Popcorn orders and money must be returned by October 24, 2016.
Popcorn orders will need to be picked up at Scouter Brian’s (52254 Range Road 225, Sherwood Park) on Saturday, November 26, between 12:00 pm and 4:00 pm. Please make arrangements to pick up your order at that time.
In addition to the residential routes the group will be selling popcorn at a local store on December 10, 2016 and February 11, 2017.
Scouter Rob Crane, our Popcorn Coordinator, will provide each youth with routes and all the information required for the sales campaign. If you have any questions, please contact Scouter Rob at 780-467-4859 (h).