Cubs Meeting – January 16
Cubs will be meeting on Monday, January 16 at 6:30 at the Strathcona County Museum and Archives for a guided tour. Please complete and sign this consent form and bring it with you on Monday.
We will be back at New Horizons on Monday, January 23. Please note that since the school doors don’t open until 6:30 pm, we would like to have everyone arrive as close to then as possible so our meetings can begin promptly.
Cubs Winter Camp
Location: Strathcona Wilderness Centre
Drop-Off: Saturday January 28, 2017 @ 4:30pm
Pick-up: Sunday January 29, 2017 @ 2:30pm
Cost: $30 per Youth overnight/$20 per youth day camp (no overnight)*
Parents are not required to attend. Space is very limited but if required, cost will be $20 per parent.
* Supper, breakfast, lunch and snacks will be provided.
There is limited space – so first come, first served. Please RSVP online to let us know if you will be coming.
Download the winter camp information packet, including schedule, gear list, camp rules, and consent form. Money and forms are due by January 23, 2017.
Other upcoming Events—more information is available on our website about these events: