Cubs Fall Fishing Adventure

Cubs Fall Fishing Adventure

Fishing is a skill that can become a lifelong hobby, or possibly a career. It can be done alone, or with family or friends. This adventure lays some groundwork for the Outdoor Adventure Skills as found on the Canadian Path. This adventure is meant to be fun and can be used for teaching several points of the Cub Scout Promise or Law such as; trustworthy, helpful, courteous, obedient, thrifty, cheerful, clean, and even respectful.

A packing list is included in the handout, so additional clothing is recommended. A famous Scout proverb is “For a warm/dry youth is a happy youth!” Please label all your child’s clothing and have them pack everything in their daypack.

Please bring your own rod and tackle. We will have extra rods available for those Cubs who don’t have one.

Where: Fort Lions Community Fish Pond, 1875, River Valley Dr, Fort Saskatchewan
When: Saturday, Oct 21, 2017
Drop-Off: 1: 00 PM
Pick-up: 4: 00 PM

Parents are encouraged to participate in this event.

* Snacks will be provided.

Information Packet & Permission Form

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