Cub Meeting – October 16

Cub Meeting – October 16

Cubs will be meeting on Monday, October 16, at the New Horizon’s gym (1000 Strathcona Dr) from 6:30 – 8:00 pm.  We will be working on preparing any fishing rod(s) and tackle the youth are planning to use for our upcoming fishing adventure on Saturday, October 21. Please bring any fishing rods and tackle that you will be using. This is a Parent Participation meeting, so we would like for parents to stay and assist their Cub in preparing equipment.  Our Howlers will also be doing a “Show and Tell” on making a Survival Kit.  We will have checklist cards on hand for the other cubs to follow along and take home to assist in making their own kits. Youth should bring their yellow Cubs duotang.

Cubs Fishing Adventure

Please join us on Saturday, October 21 from 1:00 – 4:00 pm for a fishing adventure! More details TBA.

Bottle Collection

Please remember to bring your bottles from your Thanksgiving celebrations, and any you can get from family and friends for our all-sections bottle collection on Monday night.

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