Cubs Winter Camp 2018

Cubs Winter Camp 2018

Winter campouts are very exciting and lots of fun, and a great way to experience Scouting. The weekend will be filled with campfire, skating, snowshoeing, hiking, and building quinzhee snow shelters! We will be sleeping in the Hasting Lakes Community Hall that happens to be warm and cozy with a fully functioning kitchen and media unit for music and movie night!

Location: Hastings Lake Community Hall (51080 Range Road 204, Hastings Lake. The hall is located 1.5 km south of Highway 14 at the Hastings Lake turnoff.)

Drop-Off: Friday Feb 2, 2018 @ 6:30 PM
Pick-up: Sunday Feb 4, 2017 @ 12:00 PM

Cost: $30/youth

Camp Information:

  • Please bring youth to camp fed on Friday night – snacks Friday night; breakfast, lunch, dinner and snacks on Saturday; and breakfast on Sunday will be provided.
  • A packing list is included in this package so extra clothing is essential. A famous Scout proverb is “For a warm/dry youth is a happy youth!”
  • Please label all your child’s clothing and have everything packed in a duffel bag or backpack. NO GARBAGE BAGS ALLOWED. All items should be packed inside the duffle bag or backpack – no loose items please. Loose items = lost items.
  • Very important – for the safety and courtesy of all those attending camp – please do not bring sick youth to camp. Youth with elevated fever, cough, or runny nose will be required to go home to prevent transfer of sickness to others.

Camp information packet | Permission form

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