Cub Meeting – February 26
The Cubs will be meeting on Monday, February 26 at New Horizons school (1000 Strathcona Dr) from 6:30 to 8:00 pm. We will be completing our review of our Winter season, and planning our Spring season. Parents are encouraged to stay for the meeting and see what we’ve been up to! We would also request that youth that own or have access to an electronic device that can hook up to wi-fi, please bring it to the meeting so we can work on ScoutsTracker.
Baden-Powell Family Dinner – Saturday, March 3
Our Baden-Powell Family Dinner is this coming Saturday. Please make sure you have completed the action items sent out in the recent email in order to help our dinner be a success!
- Submit ticket order forms by Monday, February 26
- Bring any auction items to the meeting on Monday, or arrange to deliver them to Scouter Brodie
- Sign up to volunteer at the dinner on Saturday
Kub Kar Finishing Workshop – Sunday, March 4
Kub Kars need to be completed by March 4, ready to get their wheels put on. Scouter Roland will be holding a “Kub Kar Garage Open House” on Sunday, March 4, from 9:00 am – 2:00 pm at his house (955 Conifer Street). Stop by anytime during those times with your Kub Kar and Scouter Roland will help put on the wheels and weights.
Upcoming events
- Meeting: Monday, March 5, we will be holding our 203 Scout Group Vehicle Rally at New Horizons School. Cubs should bring their completed cars, ready to race!
- Beaver Hills Vehicle Rally: Saturday, March 10, 8:00 am – 4:00 pm
- Chocolate Almond Site Sale: Saturday, March 17