Scout Meeting – March 5

Scout Meeting – March 5

Monday, March 5: Test and Tune: Scouts will put the final touches on their trucks and practice racing them for race day on Saturday March 10th. Scouts that are not racing will be helping out with running their fellow cubs and scouts.

Upcoming Events:

March 10th 2018 – Beaver Hills Vehicle Rally

April 27th – 29th 2018 – All Sections Camp (Details to come)

May 2nd -4th 2018 – Great Edmonton Scout Camp – This camp is for Scouts and Howlers (third-year Cubs) and is held at Camp Poole, Wabumun.  Camp details link. The cost for this camp will be $35. Scouts and Scouters please complete the following from by March 18th 2018 if you will be attending this camp. Form

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