2018 – Scout Popcorn
It’s that time of the year! We get to go out and sell our YUMMY DELICIOUS Scout Popcorn! (This is our largest fundraiser.)
A huge thank you to parents and youth for attending the Popcorn Fundraiser Kickoff !
We appreciate your support.
As shared in our kickoff, the proceeds from the Popcorn Fundraiser are the major source of funding for the Group, as the registration fees that are collected by Scouts Canada do not reach the group. Our Scouters are committed to providing the most robust experience as possible for the youth and these fundraising dollars ensure that the youth can continue to do the things that they enjoy the most about being involved in the 203 Sherwood Park Scouting Group.
Our campaign runs from September 17th to October 22nd and all monies are due back by October 22nd as there is a very tight turnaround to get the orders entered and submitted to Trails End.
Please assist your youth in canvassing the houses on the route that was assigned to them.
**If you are unable to complete this route, please be in touch ASAP with the Fundraising Coordinator, Karen so that the route can be completed by another youth.
**If your youth has completed their route and wishes to do another, please be in touch!
*Orders are prepaid – cash, cheque or credit card. If you would like to accept credit card payments, please be in touch with Karen to get an invite to join the Group’s Square account (DO NOT SET UP YOUR OWN ACCOUNT).
*Please use the receipts with each sale to ensure that our supporters know who to call with any questions they may have.
Orders will be in end of November/beginning of December. When we have a delivery date, we will set a family pick up location, date and time. Once you have your popcorn order, please ensure that it is delivered to customers by December 14th as people will be using their orders as gifts or for entertaining through the holiday season.
Our Incentive Program was included in the envelopes distributed and we are very excited to be awarding the youth for their commitment to the campaign.
Thank you very much for your support!
Great Adventures Start with Scout Popcorn