Cub Meeting – Monday, February 25, 2019
Monday, February 25
Wheels and Weights PARENTED MEETING
955 Conifer Street, Sherwood Park (Scouter Roland’s Garage)
-Bring almost completed Kars, and a cordless drill (if you have one) so we can add the wheels and weights, for our Linking Rally with the Scouts next week. **Cubs will be allowed to leave as soon as their Kars are complete.**
Monday, March 4
Cub/Scout Test Rally
-Race Vehicles on tracks in the gym
**Please bring indoor shoes, water bottle, and weekly dues**
Important Upcoming Dates
March 2-Oil Kings Scout Night & Sleepover
March 4-Beaver Hills Cub-o-ree (May 24-26) registration deadline
March 9–Beaver Hills Vehicle Rally @Sherwood Park Agora
**March 11-Beaver Hills Cub-o-ree early bird deadline**
Click here to print Cub-o-ree Parent Consent Form
May 24-26– Beaver Hills Cub-o-ree, @CFB Edmonton, Watch for more info!