Cubs Meeting – Monday, February 11, 2019
Cubs will be meeting at County Hall, Strathcona County Hall, 2001 Sherwood Dr, Sherwood Park, in meeting room L3, in the basement.
Click here for parking information around Strathcona County Hall
**Please bring indoor shoes, water bottle, and weekly dues**
February 11
-Cyber Eagle Robotics Club will be coming to help us with a STEM
*Deadline to buy your Baden Powell Dinner and Fundraiser with Silent Auction Tickets – Click here for Ticket Order Form
***We need to know if you will be attending Vehicle Rally March 9 ($10) after February 11 the cost jumps to $20. (parent consent form)
**Oil Kings Deadline (permission form and $22) Please Note: Cubs will require 1x parent to stay with him/ her for this event.
February 18 – Family Day
February 25
Wheels and Weights PARENTED MEETING
955 Conifer Street, Sherwood Park (Scouter Roland’s)
-Bring almost completed Kars, and a cordless drill (if you have one) so we can add the wheels and weights, for our Linking Rally with the Scouts next week. **Cubs will be allowed to leave as soon as their Kars are complete.**
March 4
Cub/Scout Test Rally
-Race Vehicles on tracks in the gym
Important Upcoming Dates
February 11-need to know if you will be attending Vehicle Rally (March 9) ($10), after February 11, price jumps to $20
February 11-Oil Kings Deadline (permission form and $22)
February 11-Deadline to purchase Baden-Powell Dinner Tickets – $10 per person (children aged 4 and under by donation)
February 23– BP Dinner, see above for more information
March 2-Oil Kings Sleepover
March 4-Beaver Hills Cub-o-ree (May 24-26) registration deadline
Click here to print Cub-o-ree Parent Consent Form
May 24-26– Beaver Hills Cub-o-ree, @CFB Edmonton, Watch for more info!