Cubs Meeting Info. – Monday, April 1, 2019
Monday, April 1–Cooking Challenge
**OUTDOOR Meeting**
We will be meeting at New Horizons school (1000 Strathcona Drive) and making cookies using the camping stove, as well as working on our compass skills.
Monday, April 8–Hike
Location TBD
Monday, April 15–OAS Skills/Spring Camp Prep
-use our compass skills to find hidden treasures at New Horizons school (1000 Strathcona Drive) in the school yard.
-plan some activities for our camp May 3-5 @ Hidden Valley
Monday, April 22–NO MEETING
Happy Easter
Monday, April 29–Bike Safety
**OUTDOOR MEETING** Bring Bike, (please ensure bikes have a bell or horn) and helmet.
-A special guest will be teaching us some bike safety.
Important Upcoming Dates
— May 3-5 – Spring Camp @ Hidden Valley
— May 11 – Bike-ree
— May 24-26 – Cub-o-ree @ C.F.B. Edmonton
Click here to print Cub-o-ree Parent Consent Form
— June 15 – Canoeing & Year Wind up