Cubs Meeting Info. – Monday, December 9, 2019
**Cubs Please Remember: Water bottle and indoor shoes are required to all meetings**
Monday, December 9 – Card Making, practice carols and Snowball fight (Sock ball) 6:30-8:00 at New Horizons Charter School (1000 Strathcona Dr).*Dues this week can either be the normal dollar or food bank donation.
Monday, December 16 – Clover Bar Lodge at 100 Fir Street 6:30-8:00
-We will deliver the cards made last week, as well as sing a few carols and visit with the seniors. -No Dues Dec 16
Monday, December 23 AND Monday, December 30 – NO MEETINGS
January 6 – First meeting after Christmas Break-TBD
2020 Upcoming Camps
- Winter Camp – January 24-26, 2020
- Spring Camp – TBD
- Cub-o-ree – June 5-7, 2020