Cubs Meeting Info. – Monday, January 6, 2020

Cubs Meeting Info. – Monday, January 6, 2020

**Cubs please remember your day pack with water bottle and indoor shoes for all meetings**

Monday, January 6 – OAS Skills and Expectations at New Horizons 6:30-8 pm
-We will discuss with youth what they are working on and work on a couple skills
-Go over expectations for the remainder of the year.
**Oil Kings Sleepover (Feb 15) attendance form & monies due**
**Scouts Jersey monies/form due**
**Cross Country Skiing attendance & monies due**

SUNDAY, January 12 – Cross Country Skiing 10-12 (Noon) at Strathcona Wilderness Centre52535 Range Rd 212, Ardrossan, AB T8G 2E9. $20
Rentals, lesson, and light snack provided.
Please dress for the weather, and bring day pack, with water.

Monday, January 13 – First Aid Skills @ Fire Station 6, 915 Bison Way 6:30-8pm
-First Aid Skills

Monday, January 20– Kub Kar Planning @ New Horizons 6:30-8pm
-Design cars on paper

(Fri-Sun) January 24-26 – Winter Camp @ Deville, North Cooking Lake Community Hall, 21033 Wye Road
Watch ScoutsTracker or emails for more information.

Monday, January 27 – Sledding @ Strathcona Athletic Park, 1100 N Clover Bar Road
-Bring sled(s)
-Must wear hockey or snow helmet

2020 Upcoming Camps

  • 10th Oil Kings Scout Night / Sleepover – February 15-16, 2020
  • Spring Camp – TBD
  • Cub-o-ree – June 5-7, 2020
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