Cubs Meeting Information – Monday, February 10, 2020
*Don’t forget your day pack with: indoor shoes, emergency kit and full water bottle.
Monday, February 10 – Chocolate & Candy making 6:30 PM – 8:00 PM at New Horizons Charter School, 1000 Strathcona Drive (map)
*Bring something to take your treats home.
**Bring one bag of Chocolate melts
**Kub Kar Rally money due
***Baden-Powell Dinner Tickets Last Chance they can be purchased (fill out form)
SATURDAY/SUNDAY, February 15-16 – Oil Kings Sleepover
-Reminder to book parking early thru Parking Panda app
-See information above and watch email for more information
Monday, February 17 – NO MEETING
Happy Family Day!
Monday February 24 – Kub Kars Wheels & Weights/Badge, Testing/Game 6:30 PM – 8:00 PM at New Horizons School, 1000 Strathcona Drive (map)
-Bring your Kars and any badges your ready to be awarded
Monday, March 2 – Kub Kar Fine Tuning & Practice Races 6:30 PM – 8:00 PM at New Horizons School, 1000 Strathcona Drive, (map)
-Bring Kars and be ready to reweigh and race
Saturday, March 7 – Kub Kar Rally in the Agora at Strathcona County Community Centre, 401 Festival Lane
-Fun filled day of racing Kub Kars with other groups from Beaver Hills
*Bring your Kars
– Please see above and watch email for more information
Monday, March 9 – First Aid Skills 6:30 PM – 8:00 PM at Fire Station 6, 915 Bison Way (map)
2020 Upcoming Camps