Scouts Meeting Information – Monday, February 24, 2020
Details for Next Meeting Monday, February 24
- Purpose: Review/ Plan Winter & Spring Season Cycles
- Time: 6:30 pm – 8:00 pm
- Location: Woodbridge Farms Elementary, 1127 Parker Dr, Sherwood Park, AB
Be prepared to Plan/Do/Review:
- REVIEW – The Patrol’s will participate in a brief review of the Winter Season Cycle by referencing the relevant question with their patrol scouts.
Scouts’ Assessment:
- Has our Troop spent enough nights camping?
- Did we go outdoors enough?
- What is something that I would like to accomplish before Scouts is over?
- What was my favourite experience in Scouts this cycle or year?
- Is our Patrol working well as a team?
- Did we do what we planned?
- What activities did we do as a Patrol?
- What are some fun things we could do with other Sections?
- How have I developed in the SPICES?
- Did we use the Canadian Trails Map regularly and try different types of new experiences?
- How am I contributing to the Troop?
- What leadership abilities am I developing this year?
- Does our Troop Leadership Team meet regularly and make decisions for the Troop?
- What three things have I done that were new from last year?
- Do I plan to return to Scouts next year? Do Trailblazers plan to join Venturers?
- PLAN – The Troop Leader with co-ordinate the upcoming activities/event for the Spring Season Cycle
Announcements for Upcoming Activities/Events:
- SUNDAY, March 1 – Scout Trucks (Wheels & Weight)
- TUESDAY, March 3 – Scout Truck Test Drives (NOTE* Reminder to bring $10 fee for the vehicle rally)
- SATURDAY, March 7 – Beaver Hills Vehicle Rally Event
- Monday, March 9 – Troop Talent Show