Cubs Meeting Information – Monday, March 9, 2020
*Don’t forget your day pack with: indoor shoes, emergency kit and full water bottle.
Monday, March 9 – First Aid Skills 6:20 PM – 8:00 PM at Fire Station 6, 915 Bison Way (map). -Please meet at the Dalmatian statue at 6:20 so we are all on time for our meeting
**Attendance and payment due for Vertically Inclined ($20)
***Last day to RSVP to Cub-o-ree, and payment due at early bird price($35 for Runners & Trackers…$40 for Howlers)***
Please click here for more information and packing list for Cub-o-ree
SUNDAY, March 15 – Vertically Inclined Noon – 2 PM, 8523 Argyll RD NW, (map)
–Please fill out the online waiver ahead of arriving
-Plan to arrive a few minutes early to check your youth in at Vertically Inclined and with the Scouters
Monday, March 16 – Knot Practice -6:30 PM – 8:00 PM at New Horizons School, 1000 Strathcona Drive, (map)
-We will be learning a couple knots needed to complete vertical skills 3
-We will also work on lashing
SUNDAY, March 22 – Vertically Inclined Noon – 2 pm, 8523 Argyll RD NW, (map)
-Must have attended the March 15 class to attend
-Plan to arrive a few minutes early to check your youth in at Vertically Inclined and with the Scouters
Monday, March 23 – Outdoor Activity TBD
*Cubs should be dressed for the weather
HOWLER’S ONLY (FRIDAY, March 27 to Sunday March 29) – Leadership Camp, Camp Woods, 2124 Twp Rd 392, Sylvan Lake (map)
-Check email for from Scouter Keith
Monday, March 30 – NO MEETING
Enjoy your Spring Break
2020 Upcoming Camps
- Arpril 18 – 203 Scout Group Bottle Drive
- May 1-3( Possibly) Spring Camp (location TBD)
- May 9 – Bike-O-Ree
- June 5-7, 2020 – Cub-o-ree