Scouts Meeting Info. – Monday, November 16, 2020

Scouts Meeting Info. – Monday, November 16, 2020

Scouts will be meeting VIRTUALLY on Monday, November 16, 2020
– from 6:30 – 8:00 p.m. 

Hello 203 Scout Troop!

Operation Christmas Child is a hands-on way for Canadians to bless struggling children in the developing world by filling shoeboxes with toys, hygiene items, school supplies, and other items. We collect the boxes and distribute them we are following one of our promises to do our duty to God and to children living in desperate situations around world.

**For information on how meet virtually and to RSVP please reply to the email from Scouter Roland sent on November 13, or sign into ScoutsTracker (link to ScoutsTracker).

Details for this Activity/Event:

  • Purpose:      Operation Christmas Child/

Be Prepared to Plan/Do/Review:


  • Go to the following link  to find out what and how we will pack our shoeboxes
    Monday night
  • There are two different options on picking up a shoebox:
    1. From Scouter Roland’s front porch (955 Conifer Street) this weekend; or,
    2. From any one of the following stores; Sherwood Park Sobey’s Nottingham, Home Hardware, Crescendo Music, Nitza’s Pizza on Wye and Emerald Hills and Once Upon a Child


    • Share with your Patrol what items your put in your Shoebox and write a short note to the child that will be receiving your gift
    • Play online pictionary by going to the website skribbl


  • Scouts Own: What does the upcoming Holiday season mean to you?

Announcements for Upcoming Activities/Events:

Monday, November 23 -Review PAB Badges/ Plan Winter Season Cycle
WEDNESDAY, November 25 – Troop Leadership Team Meeting
Monday, November 30 – BirdHouse Project Presentation/ Winter Survival Kits

Yours in Scouting,
Scouter Roland

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