Scouts Meeting Info. – Monday, March 15, 2021
Scouts will be meeting VIRTUALLY on Monday, March 15, 2021
(from 6:30 – 8:00 p.m.)
Hello 203 Scout Troop!
Understanding food labels. Let’s join Scouter Aakash, TJ & Anany as they walk us through on how to better understand the information that is found on food labels, nutrition facts tables, serving size, ingredients, % daily value and nutrition claims. Tonight’s activity is certain in encouraging us to live a healthier lifestyle in becoming more aware of the types of foods we are eating.
Details for this Activity/Event:
- Purpose: Mission Nutrition
Be Prepared to Plan/Do/Review:
- Go to the following website titled, “Understanding Food Labels” from the Government of Canada
- Have a pad and pencil on the ready to take some notes
- Participate in Scouter Aakash, TJ and Anany presentation on Understand Food Labels.
- What are some of the important points that can be found from better understanding what information is found on a found label?
**For information on how meet virtually and to RSVP please reply to the email from Scouter Roland or sign into ScoutsTracker (link to ScoutsTracker).
Announcements for Upcoming Activities/Events:
- Monday, March 22 – Among Us
- Monday, March 29 – TBD
- Monday, April 5 – Easter Holiday (No Meeting)
Yours in Scouting,
Scouter Roland