Scouts Meeting Info. – Monday, May 10, 2021
Scouts will be meeting VIRTUALLY on Monday, May 10, 2021
(from 6:30 – 8:00 p.m.)
Hello 203 Scout Troop!
Well, your relaxing hike back home did NOT go as planned… You’ve somehow ended up in the thick, dark, dense forest! You can’t see even an arms-length in front of you-never mind the cloud of mosquitoes and blackflies that add to the challenge! You need to navigate yourself out of the forest and back to camp safely before dark! Did you bring any navigation tools?
Details for this Activity/Event:
- Purpose: The Great 8 – Challenge 4: Wayfinder Whiz
Be Prepared to Plan/Do/Review:
- Get SPICES feedback from youth on Challenge 3: Moose on the Loose
- Come pick up your COVID friendly material package from Scouter Roland’s front porch this weekend which includes;
- 2 reference books (i.e. The Compass & The Map)
- 1 string of Paracord (choose blue, white or yellow)
- 1 bag of Beads ( choose pink, yellow, blue, green or orange)
- 1 piece of Crayola Chalk; and,
- 1 map of Broadmoor Lake Park Navigation course
- Watch YouTube on The Great 8 – Challenge 4: Wayfinder Whiz and review the Trailcard
- Watch YouTube videos titled, “Compass Basics” PT1 thru PT5 by Black Hat Bushcraft
- Make the Pace Bead craft
- Discuss the 100 m Pace off activity
- Discuss the Broadmoor Lake Park Navigation Course
**For information on how meet virtually and to RSVP please reply to the email from Scouter Roland or sign into ScoutsTracker (link to ScoutsTracker).
Announcements for Upcoming Activities/Events:
- Monday, May 10 – The Great 8 – Challenge 4: Wayfinder Whiz
- Monday, May 17 – The Great 8 – Challenge 5: Disaster Master
- Monday, May 24– The Great 8 – Challenge 6: Plant Pursuit
Yours in Scouting,
Scouter Roland