Scouts Meeting Info. – Monday, May 17, 2021
Scouts will be meeting VIRTUALLY on Monday, May 17, 2021
(from 6:30 – 8:00 p.m.)
Hello 203 Scout Troop!
You’ve made it to the foothills of the mountains, but you aren’t out of the wood just yet-hopefully someone is on their way to find you, but it might be a while. Crouch to miss the spikey branches-and watch out for wildlife! You’re stuck until help arrives. How can you stay safe until you’re found? You and your team members are a little worse for wear-you might need to do some first aid to patch yourselves up!
Details for this Activity/Event:
- Purpose: The Great 8 – Challenge 5: Disaster Master
Be Prepared to Plan/Do/Review:
- Get SPICES feedback from youth on Challenge 4: Wayfinder Whiz
- Bring your small backpack First Aid kit to the meeting.
- Preview The Great 8 – Challenge 5: Disaster Master trailcard: (NOTE* To access the underlined blue links in this trailcard, go to the following link; )
- Watch YouTube on The Great 8 – Challenge 5: Disaster Master and review trailcard
- Discuss common items in a small first aid kit (10-15 km Hike)
- Break out in patrols and play “The Worst Hike Ever: A First Aid Virtual Escape Room”
- Discuss Tick and Lyme Disease Handout;
- As a Troop play “Heat Stress Jeopardy”
**For information on how meet virtually and to RSVP please reply to the email from Scouter Roland or sign into ScoutsTracker (link to ScoutsTracker).
Announcements for Upcoming Activities/Events:
- Monday, May 24 – The Great 8 – Challenge 6: Plant Pursuit
- Monday, May 31 – The Great 8 – Challenge 7: H2 OH NO
- Monday, June 7 – The Great 8 – Challenge 8: SOS Success
Yours in Scouting,
Scouter Roland