Scouts Meeting Info. – Monday, May 3, 2021

Scouts Meeting Info. – Monday, May 3, 2021

Scouts will be meeting VIRTUALLY on Monday, May 3, 2021
(from 6:30 – 8:00 p.m.)

Hello 203 Scout Troop!

Good Morning!  Daylight arrives again, and you think that you can finally make the journey back home. Suddenly, you look ahead on the trail and see a moose-she’s as big and strong as a horse and is refusing to move out of the way. Your planned route is now impassible due to the large animal-did you prepare for the unexpected by planning an alternate way home? Time to get creative and re-route your way back to safety on a different trail!!

Details for this Activity/Event:

  • Purpose:  The Great 8 – Challenge 3: Moose on the Loose

Be Prepared to Plan/Do/Review:


  • Get SPICES feedback from youth on Challenge 2:  Tarp Troubles



  • Watch YouTube on The Great 8 – Challenge 3: Moose on the Loose
  • Discuss the following Topics:

**For information on how meet virtually and to RSVP please reply to the email from Scouter Roland or sign into ScoutsTracker (link to ScoutsTracker).

Announcements for Upcoming Activities/Events:

  • Monday, May 10 – The Great 8 – Challenge 4:  Wayfinder Whiz
  • Monday, May 17 – The Great 8 – Challenge 5: Disaster Master
  • Monday, May 24– The Great 8 – Challenge 6:  Plant Pursuit

Yours in Scouting,

Scouter Roland

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