Beavers Meeting Info. – Monday, June 7, 2021
Beavers will be meeting in person at Woodbridge Farms Storm Pond, 624 Woodbridge Way #600, Sherwood Park ( Map ) on Monday, May 31, 2021 from 6:15 – 7:30 p.m.
**** PLEASE REVIEW THE FOLLOWING CHECKLIST with your Beaver before ATTENDING EACH MEETING – Click here to review the check list. ****
** A mask is required and must be worn **
Hi Beavers and families.
We will be meeting at Woodbridge Farms Storm Pond Park to explore the biodiversity found in the pond and around our local environment. We will be using dip nets to find different plants and animals.
** Please ensure you have rubber boots in addition to mask, water bottle, hat and please ensure you are dressed for the weather.
** We will be outdoors all evening and there are no washrooms, so please go before you come.
As was requested by our youth, we will have a snack after our exploration.
See you at our Pond Party.
Scouters David, Ella and Marie.
**Check your email to see the email sent by Scouter David on June 3, or check ScoutsTracker (link to ScoutsTracker).