Cubs Meeting Info. – Monday, September 20, 2021
Cubs will be meeting on Monday, September 13, 2021 at Broadmoor Lake Park, ** NEW MEET SPOT** at the Festival Place parking lot, 100 Festival Way, Sherwood Park, AB T8A 5T2 (MAP) from 6:30 – 8:00 p.m.
Hello Cubs,
** Please remember to RSVP in the ScoutsTracker email sent on September 15. Click here for link to ScoutsTracker
** Please Note: with the ever changing times, please check emails regularly in case of a meeting change.
Please arrive at the meeting ready to learn basic knots that will help us to learn some more complicated knots like the reef, half hitch, round turn half-hitch, clove hitch, and fisherman’s. These harder knots will help you achieve some of our OAS badges.
** A friendly reminder to all CUBs & SCOUTERs, a Backpack is required for ALL meetings. The following items are required:
- Binder from last meeting (If you weren’t at last meeting we have it for you)
- Water Bottle or Hot Drink Thermos
- Hand Sanitizer
- Face Mask(s)
- Headlamp or Flashlight
- Emergency/First Aid Kit
- Warm Headgear & gloves
- Sit-upon (if you don’t have one you will have the chance to make one at our fall camp)
- Dues – $1 a week
** All participants must wear a face mask.
Yours in Scouting,
Scouter Ed
Upcoming Activities/Events: (Locations and meetings are changing rather quickly please watch your emails or check Scouts Tracker for updates)
- CANCELLED: Saturday/Sunday, September 25 & 26 – All Sections Camp
- Monday September 27 – Hike night
- Monday October 4 – Bike Night & Around the World in 60 Days Activities
- Monday, October 11 – Thanksgiving Holiday (No Meeting)
- Saturday, October 16 – JOTI (HOWLER’s only linking event with Scouts)
- Sunday, October 17 – Fall Day Camp (Tentatively)
- Monday, October 18 – TBD & Around the World in 60 Days Activities
- Monday, October 25 – Halloween Activities & Around the World in 60 Days Activities
- NOTE: parents/guardians/youth must consult the self-assessment screening checklist to determine whether they may participate in this Scouting activity.