Cubs Meeting Info. – Monday, October 25, 2021
Cubs will be meeting on Monday, October 25, 2021 – **DROP OFF at Millenium Place – Skate Park, 2000 Premier Way, Sherwood Park, AB T8H 2G4 (MAP) and hiking to the end point of (**PICK UP POINT) Centennial Park, 4000 Sherwood Dr, Sherwood Park, AB T8H 0M8 (MAP) – from 6:30 – 8:00 p.m.
Hello CUBS,
As the weather is changing please dress for the weather.
** Please note that costumes are optional for this meeting. **
- Please bring dues with you ($1)
A friendly reminder to all Cubs & Scouters, a Backpack is required for all activities/events. Items required are as follows:
- Water Bottle
- Binder & Rope
- Hand Sanitizer
- Face Mask (please pack a few extras)
- Headlamp or Flashlight
- Warm Headgear & Gloves
- First Aid Kit
** Please RSVP to Scouter Kelly’s email from ScoutsTracker sent on October 20, 2021. Click here to sign into ScoutsTracker.
** Please watch the following video for the Week 3: Water De-Nile (Egypt), in the Around the World in 60 Days Challenge:
We will be doing a hike (2 km) from Millennium Place through the trails to Centennial Park where we will be working on our tent building skills.
We’ll be working on:
- Trail Skills 1 [#1.10+]
- Trail Skills 2 [#2.8+]
- Trail Skills 3 [#3.12a+]
- Trail Skills 4 [#4.17a+]
- Trail Skills 5 [#5.18a+]
- Trail Skills 6 [#6.19a+]
- Trail Skills 7 [#7.15+]
- Trail Skills 8 [#8.8a+]
** All participants must wear a face mask.
- NOTE: parents/guardians/youth must consult the self-assessment screening checklist to determine whether they may participate in this Scouting activity.