Cubs Meeting Info. – Monday, November 8, 2021
Cubs will be meeting on Monday, November 8, 2021 – Drop off and Pick up – In Parking lot on East side for Salisbury Composite High School AB T8A 4Y1 (MAP)
** from 6:30 – 7:30 p.m. **
On Monday November 8, 2021, we are going to be having our Second Annual Remembrance Day Ceremony which will start at our regular meeting time of 6:30 p.m. Even though this is an outdoor meeting we are requiring all youth to wear a mask. The meeting place will be at Salisbury High School (Bus Transfer Station)
please look for Scouter Kirsten and Scouter Gavin at the drop off loca
tion, as the Beavers and Scouts may also be assembling in this area. We are expecting the evening to be a little shorter than a typically meeting and pick up will be in the same location, (Salisbury High School) and it will be at 7:30 p.m. instead of our usual 8:00 p.m. pickup time.
Please ensure that youth are dressed for the weather as we will be outdoors for the entire time with no ability to go indoors. This includes jackets, hats, gloves or mittens, and the possibility of boots as we are currently looking at it possibly being a temperature of -5 that evening.
Thank you so much,
Scouter Kelly
Contact Scouter for Cubs
** Please wear full uniform including Neckers
** All participants must wear a face mask.
- NOTE: parents/guardians/youth must consult the self-assessment screening checklist to determine whether they may participate in this Scouting activity.
** Please RSVP to Scouter Kelly’s email from ScoutsTracker sent on November 4, 2021. Click here to sign into ScoutsTracker.
** Parents and Guardians please check your email for the Cub’s Winter Questionnaire, thank you