Cub Pack
Our Cub Pack meets on Mondays from 6:30 p.m. to 8:00 p.m.
Please contact our Cub Leaders for more information:
*Before Attending a Scouting Meeting or Activity please go over the Self-Assessment Screening Checklist each time with your child - Click here to view
*Please also take time to review and be familiar with the Drop-off and Pick-up Support Guide - Click here to view
Cubs Meeting Info. – Monday, January 10, 2022
Cubs will be meeting on Monday, January 10, 2022 at Strathcona County Community Center Rooms 3 & 4; 401 Festival Lane, Sherwood Park (MAP) – from 6:30 – 8:00 p.m.
Meeting Overview
- Name: Fall Review/Winter Planning Meeting/Knot learning
Hello Cub Pack,
At tonight’s meeting we will be going over our fall review and plan the remainder of the winter season. We will also be learning the figure 8 follow through knot for the upcoming Vertically Inclined dates that we have on SUNDAY, January 16 and SUNDAY, January 23, 2022.
** Reminder – Payment of $25.00 required for Vertically Inclined…Scouter Amy will be accepting cash, cheque, debit or credit card payments. If you have any questions regarding climbing please contact Scouter Amy **
A friendly reminder to all Cubs & Scouters, a Backpack is required for all activities/events. As the weather is becoming colder during our meetings, please ensure that all youth are dressed for the appropriate weather conditions.
Items required in backpack, are as follows:
- Water Bottle
- Binder
- Rope
- Hand Sanitizer
- Face Mask (please pack a few extras)
- First Aid/Emergency Kit
SUNDAY, January 16, 2022 (12:50pm – 3:00pm) – Vertically Inclined, 8523 Argyll Road, NW, EDMONTON
SUNDAY, January 23, 2022 (12:50pm – 3:00pm) – Vertically Inclined, 8523 Argyll Road, NW, EDMONTON
Monday, January 31, 2022 (6:30pm – 8:00pm) – Lunar New Year Celebration, location TBD
** All participants must wear a face mask.
- NOTE: parents/guardians/youth must consult the self-assessment screening checklist to determine whether they may participate in this Scouting activity.
** Please RSVP to Scouter Amy’s email from ScoutsTracker sent on January 6, 2022. Click here to sign into ScoutsTracker.
Cubs Meeting CANCELLED – Monday, December 20, 2021
Due to forecasted cold temperatures and wind chill. Please see email for more information.
Cubs Meeting Info. – Monday, December 13, 2021
Cubs will be meeting on Monday, December 13, 2021 at Centennial Park, 4000 Sherwood Dr, Sherwood Park, AB T8H 0M8 (MAP) – from 6:30 – 8:00 p.m.
Meeting Overview
- Name: Winter Hike & Caroling at Clover Bar Lodge
We will be meeting at Centennial Park at the Picnic Shelter and then walking down to Clover Bar Lodge where the residents
will be gathering
in a common area and the Cubs and Scouters will sing Carols to those residents from outside the building. This will allow us to build on our community service as well as hopefully putting smiles on the residents faces. So, the youth are asked to bring their loudest singing voice that they can bring with them. Then after a few songs we will head back to the picnic shelter to do our closing and pick up.
** Headlamps are a must for this event. **
** Please be sure to dress for the weather and be sure your NECKER is visible.
*** Be sure youth use the washroom prior to attending Cubs – no washrooms available.
A friendly reminder to all Cubs & Scouters, a Backpack is required for all activities/events. Items required are as follows:
- Water Bottle
- Binder & Rope
- Hand Sanitizer
- Face Mask (please pack a few extras)
- Headlamp or Flashlight
- Warm Headgear & Gloves
- First Aid Kit
** All participants must wear a face mask.
- NOTE: parents/guardians/youth must consult the self-assessment screening checklist to determine whether they may participate in this Scouting activity.
** Please RSVP to Scouter Kelly’s email from ScoutsTracker sent on December 9, 2021. Click here to sign into ScoutsTracker.
Cubs Meeting Info. – Monday, December 6, 2021
Cubs will be meeting on Monday, December 6, 2021 Strathcona County Community Centre (Room 2); 401 Festival Ln, Sherwood Park, AB T8A 3W7 (MAP)
– from 6:30 – 8:00 p.m.
Meeting Overview
- Name: Ornament Making – Wood Burning/Painting
We are going to be meeting at the Strathcona County Community Center and we will be making some ornaments made out of wood and doing some wood burning with them. Templates will be provided and cubs can pick an image and burn it on the ornament while being supervised.
We will be having a visitor who will be Max C. from the Scout group who will also be coming and talking to us about his Chief Scout project that he is working towards and how we can help out with that.
A friendly reminder to all Cubs & Scouters, a Backpack is required for all activities/events. Items required are as follows:
- Water Bottle
- Binder & Rope
- Hand Sanitizer
- Face Mask (please pack a few extras)
- Headlamp or Flashlight
- Warm Headgear & Gloves
- First Aid Kit
** All participants must wear a face mask.
- NOTE: parents/guardians/youth must consult the self-assessment screening checklist to determine whether they may participate in this Scouting activity.
** Please RSVP to Scouter Kelly’s email from ScoutsTracker sent on November 30, 2021. Click here to sign into ScoutsTracker.
Cubs Meeting Info. – Monday, November 29, 2021
Cubs will be meeting on Monday, November 29, 2021 -Centennial Park Picnic Shelter; 4000 Sherwood Drive, Sherwood Park, AB T8H 0M8 (MAP)
– from 6:30 – 8:00 p.m.
Meeting Overview
- Name: Outdoor Cooking Skills/Emergency Shelter Building
We will be doing fire starting and cooking a snack over a fire.
** Cubs are responsible for bringing their own snack food that they would want to cook over a fire. **
These could be smores, popcorn, banana boats. They are also responsible for bringing what they would require to cook their food in as well as to eat it. For example; if they are doing smores then they would have to bring the graham cracker, the chocolate, marshmallow, and a stick. If they were bringing a hot dog then they would require a stick, the hot dog and a bun.
We will also be working on Emergency Shelter Building as well.
Both of these skills will allow us to be working on our Winter Skills 2 and 3 badges.
Then if we have time we will play a game of flashlight tag so please make sure that you have your headlamp and/or flashlight.
A friendly reminder to all Cubs & Scouters, a Backpack is required for all activities/events. Items required are as follows:
- Water Bottle
- Binder & Rope
- Hand Sanitizer
- Face Mask (please pack a few extras)
- Headlamp or Flashlight
- Warm Headgear & Gloves
- First Aid Kit
Kelly Annesty
Contact Scouter for Cubs
203 Sherwood Park Scouts
** All participants must wear a face mask.
- NOTE: parents/guardians/youth must consult the self-assessment screening checklist to determine whether they may participate in this Scouting activity.
Cubs Meeting Info. – Monday, November 22, 2021
Cubs will be meeting on Monday, November 22, 2021 -VIRTUAL MEETING – Call-in details: https://Listed in the email depending on if you are a Howler or Tracker (there are 2 separate meetings) – both meetings from 6:30 – 8:00 p.m.
Meeting Overview
- Name: Virtual Meeting
** For the Howlers (3rd Year cubs) – they will be attending a virtual session with the Scouts in which they will be learning about Beauvais Summer camp. For the Howlers they will be meeting on Google Meets.
Purpose: Beauvais Summer Camp Orientation- Date/ Time: Monday, November 22, 2021; starting @ 6:30 – 8:00 PM
- Location: To join the Google Meet use the following link; check weekly email for link
** For the Trackers (2nd Year Cubs) – they will be doing online safety and playing a group game online. We will also be doing a Lego challenge so bring your 10 lego bricks and we are going to get building.
Join Zoom Meeting – check weekly email for link
Kelly Annesty
Contact Scouter for Cubs
203 Sherwood Park Scouts
Cubs Meeting Info. – Monday, November 15, 2021
Cubs will be meeting on Monday, November 15, 2021 -Sherwood Park Natural Area; 52118 Range Road 231, Sherwood Park (MAP)
– from 6:30 – 8:00 p.m.
Forest Bathing – Getting out and enjoying the forest. Becoming aware and being mindful of our surroundings. We are going to also build stretchers and learn how to transport an injured person (tree log) out of the woods.
A friendly reminder to all Cubs & Scouters, a Backpack is required for all activities/events. As the weather is becoming colder during our meetings please ensure that all youth are dressed for the appropriate weather conditions. Items required are as follows:
- Water Bottle
- Binder & Rope
- Hand Sanitizer
- Face Mask (please pack a few extras)
- Headlamp or Flashlight
- Warm Headgear & Gloves
- First Aid Kit
Kelly Annesty
Contact Scouter for Cubs
** All participants must wear a face mask.
- NOTE: parents/guardians/youth must consult the self-assessment screening checklist to determine whether they may participate in this Scouting activity.
** Please RSVP to Scouter Kelly’s email from ScoutsTracker sent on November 10, 2021. Click here to sign into ScoutsTracker.
** Parents and Guardians if you have not already done so please check your email for the Cub’s Winter Questionnaire, thank you.
Cubs Meeting Info. – Monday, November 8, 2021
Cubs will be meeting on Monday, November 8, 2021 – Drop off and Pick up – In Parking lot on East side for Salisbury Composite High School AB T8A 4Y1 (MAP)
** from 6:30 – 7:30 p.m. **
On Monday November 8, 2021, we are going to be having our Second Annual Remembrance Day Ceremony which will start at our regular meeting time of 6:30 p.m. Even though this is an outdoor meeting we are requiring all youth to wear a mask. The meeting place will be at Salisbury High School (Bus Transfer Station)
please look for Scouter Kirsten and Scouter Gavin at the drop off loca
tion, as the Beavers and Scouts may also be assembling in this area. We are expecting the evening to be a little shorter than a typically meeting and pick up will be in the same location, (Salisbury High School) and it will be at 7:30 p.m. instead of our usual 8:00 p.m. pickup time.
Please ensure that youth are dressed for the weather as we will be outdoors for the entire time with no ability to go indoors. This includes jackets, hats, gloves or mittens, and the possibility of boots as we are currently looking at it possibly being a temperature of -5 that evening.
Thank you so much,
Scouter Kelly
Contact Scouter for Cubs
** Please wear full uniform including Neckers
** All participants must wear a face mask.
- NOTE: parents/guardians/youth must consult the self-assessment screening checklist to determine whether they may participate in this Scouting activity.
** Please RSVP to Scouter Kelly’s email from ScoutsTracker sent on November 4, 2021. Click here to sign into ScoutsTracker.
** Parents and Guardians please check your email for the Cub’s Winter Questionnaire, thank you
Cubs Meeting Info. – Monday, November 1, 2021
Cubs will be meeting on Monday, November 1, 2021 – Strathcona County Community Center; 401 Festival Lane, Sherwood Park (MAP)
** We will be meeting in Room 2 on the Main Level. – from 6:30 – 8:00 p.m.
Hello CUBS,
Remembrance Day Craft.
— Maple Leaf with the name and age of a soldier to be presented at the 203 Sherwood Park Remembrance Day Ceremony which is being held on Monday, November 8.
— Around the world in 60 days: Challenge 5 Survival
Please bring dues with you ($1)
A friendly reminder to all Cubs & Scouters, a Backpack is required for all activities/events. Items required are as follows:
- Water Bottle
- Binder & Rope
- Hand Sanitizer
- Face Mask (please pack a few extras)
- Headlamp or Flashlight
- Warm Headgear & Gloves
- First Aid Kit
** All participants must wear a face mask.
- NOTE: parents/guardians/youth must consult the self-assessment screening checklist to determine whether they may participate in this Scouting activity.
** Please RSVP to Scouter Kelly’s email from ScoutsTracker sent on October 27, 2021. Click here to sign into ScoutsTracker.
We’ll be working on
- Seeonee Award [#3+2h]
Upcoming Meetings:
November 8 – Remembrance Day Ceremony at Sherwood Park Cenotaph
November 15 – Forrest Bathing at Sherwood Park Nature Area
November 22 – Virtual Meeting: Howlers will be attending with Scouts and Trackers with Cubs.
November 29 – Sledding at Millshaven School
December 6 – Ornament making – Wood Burning/Painting
December 13 – Deliver ornaments and caroling (outdoors) at Clover Bar Lodge
December 19 – Winter Wrap Up
Cubs Meeting Info. – Monday, October 25, 2021
Cubs will be meeting on Monday, October 25, 2021 – **DROP OFF at Millenium Place – Skate Park, 2000 Premier Way, Sherwood Park, AB T8H 2G4 (MAP) and hiking to the end point of (**PICK UP POINT) Centennial Park, 4000 Sherwood Dr, Sherwood Park, AB T8H 0M8 (MAP) – from 6:30 – 8:00 p.m.
Hello CUBS,
As the weather is changing please dress for the weather.
** Please note that costumes are optional for this meeting. **
- Please bring dues with you ($1)
A friendly reminder to all Cubs & Scouters, a Backpack is required for all activities/events. Items required are as follows:
- Water Bottle
- Binder & Rope
- Hand Sanitizer
- Face Mask (please pack a few extras)
- Headlamp or Flashlight
- Warm Headgear & Gloves
- First Aid Kit
** Please RSVP to Scouter Kelly’s email from ScoutsTracker sent on October 20, 2021. Click here to sign into ScoutsTracker.
** Please watch the following video for the Week 3: Water De-Nile (Egypt), in the Around the World in 60 Days Challenge:
We will be doing a hike (2 km) from Millennium Place through the trails to Centennial Park where we will be working on our tent building skills.
We’ll be working on:
- Trail Skills 1 [#1.10+]
- Trail Skills 2 [#2.8+]
- Trail Skills 3 [#3.12a+]
- Trail Skills 4 [#4.17a+]
- Trail Skills 5 [#5.18a+]
- Trail Skills 6 [#6.19a+]
- Trail Skills 7 [#7.15+]
- Trail Skills 8 [#8.8a+]
** All participants must wear a face mask.
- NOTE: parents/guardians/youth must consult the self-assessment screening checklist to determine whether they may participate in this Scouting activity.